Exciting News! We’ve partnered with Nassberg Diabetes & Associates in Oakland Park!




Real Stories from Our Patients

"This has given me my life back."

"I've lost 30 lbs and have a lot more energy. Less meds to."

"A quick improvement with my neuropathy"

"Only took 2 sessions for my neuropathy to feel better"

"I'm happier than I've been in 10-15 years."

"A side benefit... my hair grew back! Very happy."

"So far my neuropathy pain has gone down 90%"

"This process works. I really enjoy coming here."

"I have the energy to do the things I need to do"

"Coming here has been a blessing for me."

"This treatment has given me a 2nd life"

"I & my family truly believe this saved my life!"

"My diabetes & blood pressure are back to normal"

"My A1C has drop from 8.7 to 6.9 & Skin has improved"

"No longer taking Jardiance & Metformin cut in half"

"I was skeptical at first but it's changed my life"



Brandi M. - Type 1 Diabetic - 6 Years

"Before treatment my feet and hands had severe pain and my blood sugar was like a roller coaster. After treatment, the pain is gone in my hands and feet, and my blood sugars have leveled out at a healthy number."


Dejuan D. - Type 2 diabetic – 1 year

"When I first started my treatment, I was dealing with low energy… a couple of open sores under my feet… my vision was clearly affected. After 3 treatments, I began to feel the difference. Now things have totally changed. I have more energy and I’m seeing almost 20/20 without glasses."


Gloria M. - Type 2 diabetic – 23 years

"Before the treatment, my feet would tingle, burn, and itch. It felt like pins were sticking in all parts.”


Katherine K. - Type 2 diabetic – 8 years

"The doctor said my eyes had improved since my last visit. The macular degeneration has not gotten any worse in the last year. My weight and my blood sugar are going down."

Josh G. - Type 1 diabetic – 26 years

"Diabetes Relief for me is turning back the clock. They’ve done something no hospital or doctor has been able to do."

"Exceeded my expectations. Pain in my feet is gone!"

"Would recommend to anybody!"

"I was skeptical... My neuropathy is gone!"

"Exceeded my expectations. Pain in my feet is gone!"

"My neuropathy is going away. I'm so thankful!"

"Recent labs show my kidneys are great!"

"I am now completely off Glipizide and Metformin!"

"After just 2 treatments I'm out of my wheelchair."

"I would recommend this to anyone with diabetes!"

"I'm now living my best life because of this treatment."

"I'm so glad I made the decision to do this."

"I can't wait to go to my doctor to get my new A1C!"

"My A1C is the lowest it's ever been in 40 years!"

"My sugar has dropped down from 450 to 120."

"I am having a success rate that is very good!"

Diabetes Improvements Reported

Schull Institute – Insulin Infusion Therapy on Diabetic Complications (n=49) (2015)

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Watch an

Educational Webinar

Are you experiencing low energy, foot problems, vision issues, or difficulty managing your blood sugar? For years, pharmaceutical companies and medical professionals have offered various treatments such as medications, diets, and exercises. At Florida Diabetes & Endocrinology, we focus on providing innovative therapies designed to support better health and well-being. Learn more about our approach in our educational webinar.

"My blood sugar is now controlled and my eyesight has improved so much I went from legally blind without glasses to now being able to read the captions on the TV with no glasses, and I'm down from six vials of insulin per month to only three."
Bruce B.
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